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Gift Cards & Vouchers

25 €

Looking for a Unique Gift or do you want to book a class at a later date? We offer vouchers that are valid for 2 years! ...
Looking for a Unique Gift or do you want to book a class at a later date? We offer vouchers that are valid for 2 years!

Gift Cards
25 €
150 €
250 €
275 €
350 €
500 €
Other amount

Gift Card Breakdown (all prices include VAT)

Introducing the Hot-Shop: €150 
Colour Cups: €275

Glassblowing Level I: €250

Glassblowing Level II: €350

Mould-Making/ Mould-Blowing: €500

T-shirts: €25


You can also customize your gift card with any amount between €100 and €500. 

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